Andrew Dennington is a partner at Conn Kavanaugh, focusing on commercial litigation, securities industry disputes, employment law, and professional liability. His 15 year track record of superb legal work, both at the trial and appellate level, brought him to the attention of FDCC’s nominating board and he was invited to join the organization. Most recently, he received acclaim for an excellent outcome at the First Circuit in EdgePoint Capital Holdings LLC v. Apothecare Pharmacy LLC .
The Federation of Defense and Corporate Counsel is the professional trade association of vetted and premier defense and corporate counsel and industry executives dedicated to leading the profession by advancing the principles of integrity, professionalism, fair civil justice, intellectual capital, and fostering the trust and value of fellowship and referrals to FDCC peers. Membership in the organization can be achieved only by invitation after a nomination and vetting process. Being inducted into this organization honors Mr. Dennington’s knowledge, dedication, achievement, and integrity.
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