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A Legal Planning Seminar for Adults 55 & Over

Jennifer Taddeo joins a panel of attorneys for A Legal Planning Seminar for Adults 55 & Over

On Wednesday, May 12, Jennifer D. Taddeo will join a panel of attorneys for “A Legal Planning Seminar for Adults 55 & Over,” presented by the Living Well Network.

About the presentation

What information and documents do you need to organize your legal and medical affairs to ensure that your wishes are followed? Learn from three attorneys who specialize in estate planning, trusts, probate, and medicaid planning. What documents should everyone have in order? How can you ensure your assets transfer to those you choose, and that your medical wishes are carried out? What should you know about Medicaid? Hear answers to these questions, as well as ones you may have from our panel of three attorneys:
  • Rosemary Wilson, Documents for Advance Planning
  • Jennifer Taddeo, A brief introduction to probate, trusts, and ways to transfer assets
  • Sarah Hartline, Margolis and Bloom, An overview of Medicaid

A question and answer session will follow the presentations.

Sign up for the presentation here.

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